How to access blocked websites and How to protect your privacy online: Download Loki Network VPN Client Free here
How to access blocked websites and How to protect your privacy online: Download Loki Network VPN Client Free here
Loki Network Project is free VPN service and SSL based free VPN server. It is an opportunity to protect your private data (IP address, e-mail/FTP/HTTP passwords, web-sites visited, uploaded/downloaded files and etc...) and bypass certain Internet access limitations you may have at your location.
An example, free Public Loki VPN Service allows you:
- Protect your data from being intercepted by various network sniffers in your LAN segment
- Safely bypass traffic interception and analyses on corporate, ISP or even country level firewall
- Bypass any limitations in visiting web-sites or any other Internet services (if access to Loki VPN Servers is not blocked directly).
Loki Network Project can suggest two scenarious to protect your private data:
- To use our Public VPN Service that includes set of Loki VPN Servers located in different countries. Guest access to our public service is free to use.
- To create your custom service based on your own copy of VPN Server installed on your dedicated or home server. Community version of Loki VPN Server Desktop Edition is free for download and use.
According to all scenarious you have to download and install our free VPN Client software used to help you to create your own security schema.
Loki VPN Client installation credentials:
OS Windows All
Size 4 MB

Loki VPN Client features:
- Easy to install. Just download Loki VPN Client from this site and start installation.
- Easy-to-use interface to create your own security profile.
- Flexible engine to avoid problems with local and external traffic by detailed analysis of your network configuration.
- Allow customization of security and quality of service as needed for specific applications and network services.
Loki VPN Client allows you to surf the Internet anonymously and hides your real location (IP address). Everything you do through the Loki VPN Client is done from the name of theLoki VPN Server and from its IP address. Connection between your computer and Loki VPN Server is secured with SSL. However, to protect your anonymity you still have to be careful about any data you fill in web forms and network applications you use locally (any locally running application still have the complete access to your real IP address). Please note that if you are connected as Guest, you can't send mail through Loki VPN Server to avoid spam from our servers.
In general, where are two most common ways to be connected to the Internet (see picture below)
- Direct connection to Internet Service Provider(ISP). Here you may have different possibilities like ADSL, Dial-Up, GPRS\EDGE and etc (low part of picture).
- Connection through Local Area Network (high part of picture).

A Loki Network provides you with a private connection to your end destination in both cases. We provide you with a secure tunnel to the Loki VPN Server. To do this a tunnel is created through an untrusted network (the internet). Everything in the tunnel is encrypted. It no longer matters that someone can sniff your packets. All they will see is an unreadable series of letters and numbers. Additionally, anyone snooping around on your connection will not be able to discern the final destination or the type (web, email, chat, video) of service you are connected to.
An example, if you're using Internet from your workplace to visit any entertaining sites you may feel safe because your network administrator won’t see more than encrypted HTTPS (by default Loki VPN Clients tunnels through TCP port 443 which is typically opened in most of firewall configurations) connection to one of the Public Loki VPN Servers and he won’t be able to report you. You also get complete access to the entire Internet even if corporate firewall is configured to block access to some certain services or web-sites
In the first case your Internet Service Provider has the opportunity to view and analyze all your traffic. It is your e-mail, web sites you visit, files you upload/download, messengers and chats you use. ISP also can close for you some network services like external SMTP.
In second case your traffic can be analyzed in two locations. First on Local Internet Gateway and second on ISP side. Local Internet Gateway here has the same opportunities to control your traffic as Internet Service Provider at the previous case. As you can see on picture all your traffic is open and shown by green arrow. In some network configurations (Ethernet hub, Wi-Fi, etc…) your traffic can be also intercepted by computers located in the same LAN segment.
Loki Network can help you to hide your private traffic from inspection. Once connection is established and user name and password are valid Loki VPN Client starts redirecting all (or some, according current advanced configuration) your network packets through the established SSL tunnel to the Loki VPN Server which acts as Internet Gateway (NAT). For example, only Loki VPN Client can secure ICQ messanger and do not secure Microsoft Messenger, to secure Firefox and do not secure Internet Explorer in one configuration and security schema. According to such feature you can start both browsers and use Firefox only for restricted internet sites. By this way all third-party internet service can used as secured service using Loki VPN.
Project Loki can help you to hide and secure your traffic from inspection and to hide your IP address from sites you visit using our free Public VPN Service based on set of Loki VPN Servers located in different countries.
- You can hide and secure all your Internet activities. e.g. browsing, FTP, web email, chat and do not change your local network activity.
- You can secure and hide only one network service, e.g. secure ftp or web browsing and to left another network services without any changes. By this way you can hide also opportunity to hide and secure any activity because your system administrator or Internet Service Provider will see a lot of open traffic and a little bit connection to our server through https protocol.
- You can hide and secure only one application, e. g. secure ICQ Messanger and to left all another network traffic without any changes. If ICQ service is restricted in your office network, you will be able to use ICQ through our free VPN service.
- You can browser Internet from IP address of our server and could use local network services available only for computer located in special country. For example, you can see USA online TV channels using connection to our public server located in USA.
- You can see a lot of Web pages and to use Internet services that is restricted by your governement.
Guest access to our Public VPN Service is available and free to use. Also Guest account is used by default after installation of Loki VPN Client. Number of Guest users is limited and you will see message 'server is busy' if no additional Guest user is allowed at this moment.
Guest account credentials:
Login: Guest
Password: Guest
Loki VPN Server
Loki VPN Server is a full-featured SSL based VPN solution that easy to install, configure and use. It includes a lot of different configuration like remote access, WI - FI security, anonymous access to internet and etc. Loki VPN Server offers cost-effective, simplified alternative to other VPN technologies that is not oriented to common user and very hard to install and use.
Loki VPN Server is capable of strong (128 bit) cryptograph and will negotiate SSL connections of the highest strength available between Loki VPN Clients and Loki VPN Server.
Loki VPN security model is based on SSL, the industry standard for secure communications via the internet and supports flexible client authentication methods based on certificates.
Community version of Loki VPN Server Desktop Edition is available here to downoad.
To protect my online privacy and for Anonymous Web Surfing i always use "Hotspot Shield" free VPN which secures my sensitive information such as credit card information, important passwords, downloads and instant messages.