How to Secure your Wireless Network:

Before to Drive a Truck, Lets learn how to drive, and Wats in it..!! Here are the few Terminologies, You shud know About Wireless networked systems..!! if u don understand this underlyin concepts, it lll be a hard time for u to guarding yo Wireless network..

 SSID: (Service Set Identifier) If u having a wireless router or modem the Hardware must have SSID(Like Namin a New born Baby, Yo can name ur Router How it wann be called ba others,But If u take any BSNL Connection Wi fi ASDL Modem Comes With SSID name May be second name of yo father) ,

Router has a

Device Burned With MAC &SSID Found in the Picture(WANADOO-02DB)
functionality that it can broadcast or stealth broadcast Which means if u scan for wireless networks u often find networks in Broadcast mode (I.e Tikona 1800 204 3333)Like that…In stealth Broadcast we cant identify the wireless network.. MODEM Don have this fuckin option, so that’s y weneva u scan any, u find some home networks modem range..but u can proceed only after Given SSID in the prompt box..!!

 WEP: (Wired Equivalence privacy) this Protocol givea Base level security for all wi fi vendors and system Can benefit from OSI Standardization effort..Tha fat ass option is one can Set in “ON” Or
“OFF”To use this…But Mostly all jerks n Geeks Forcibly set this “ON”

 WPA: (Wi Fi Protected Access) A security protocol tat was designed to secure Wireless Technology and To overcome the WEP Limitations..!! (WPA & WPA2 )

 TKIP: (Temporal Key Intergrity protocol) It’s a More secure version of WEP and it utilize the WPA For Network Security, It uses Some Diff kinda Algorithms than WEP, More trusted Encryption tunnels.(But trust me, most admin will not use this, But the Company Security policy wants to maintain diff security scheme for each heirerachy of the employes in the Org…Admins will deploy this feature)

MAC: (Media Access Control) Its used to get Multiple access in a Networked Environment,But MAC Address is a 12Digit Hexa decimal number that is associated with Network adapter, MAC Address is unique to each IP Address…(00-12-FA-WE-3R-TR) First 6 digits Says 00-12-FA Manufacturer Code Which say Network Adapter belongs to Whom, And next 6 digit Was assigned to unique Persons WE-3R-TR.

 DHCP : (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)  its one of the inbuilt features of Router..It services for the User who restarts the system, Generates the fresh IP address to them to frame the Device address in the network

Whether you are in Wired or wireless Environment..Yo are under Scan by some1 eye, TCP Monitor Or Any one Can use Sniffer tools like packetyzer to and can read your communication Coz all the transportations are not encrypted..


EAVESDROPPING (Installing Malicious tools and Make ur machine as a listener, And he hacker gets all packet information coz it was redirected by him to server)

DoS Attacks  Injecting Noise Or Interfrences in the wireless network Infinitely, Cause inturn Denial for particular service which tey Requested,Remember A Hacker Can Extract the SSID name of the network in Response to His ICMP Packets..This gives u a Glimpse of Dos Attacks

[i] 3 Scenarios about Yo And Ur SSID:
 Yes we can, Set the SSID Manually
 When yo Buy a Router it Burned With MAC Address, And SSID That is always as “default” name
 Manufacturer of Router Provides a methodology to change ur SSID To secure the Network, Follow that,And Change it With Mixed Alphas Like THIS(H4CK07IC)

[ii] WEP Encryption “TURN ON “ For GodSake..
WEP Encrytion is the standard Encryption scheme for all OSI Network Complicance Products, It comes With Encryption, But doesn’t” TURNED ON” Automatically, Do it And Change all the defaults in the Newly purchased Router..So yo have changed SSID, And Turned On WEP…. I Assume.


[iv] DUMP THE DEFAULTS  Change all your defaults passwords.And keep this Security checklist With you…! Which also Includes Changing the Default Subnet that is

If you don’t experience routine changes in your network,once in a 3 months keep this checklist and review how your network security is Doing ! Such check ups not only help you to check its tampered or not , But help you to have a peace of mind that you all doing well By Showing ur middle finger Who tryina gain access..!!

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